“Make Sure to Be Prepared for the Best.”

Welcome to Todays Blog!

In this post I’ll share with you unique practice of preparing for the best can shift your perspective and help you to create new possibilities in your life.

Always Ready for the Worst?

As some of us with anxiety know full well, no one has to tell us to get prepared for the worst. Our minds are constantly reminding us of what could go wrong, how it could go wrong, and how it will impact us when it does go wrong! Along with that comes a feeling of unease, of uncertainty, and brings on more worry, because our our brains have difficulty differentiating between what is real and actually happening versus what we are visualizing. Can anyone else relate to the idea of waking up and feeling worry instantly about what we need to get done?

Are You Ready for the Best?

When is the last day that you woke up and said, “if everything goes really well, I mean like amazingly well what would that look like? What would I do?, How would I be and feel? What would the outcomes be if everything went even better than planned. It seems maybe silly, but just as the brain visualizes and helps you to “feel” the anxiety and worry of the worst case - it can do the same with the best case. So when we imagine and attempt to feel in our bodies what it would be like to have an incredible day, it already starts the process as well as provides a roadmap that our brains can follow to help us move in that direction.

So why not try it out and make it a practice to warm up your mind and body to the possibilities of the “best case scenario” for you day. Can you imagine how this might impact your day or even your life? Here’s an exercise you can try to get started.

Exercise: How to Prepare for the Best

  1. Pick a time in the morning that you can consistently anchor to for example: right when you wake up before getting out of bed, right after your meditation, during your morning coffee or while brushing your teeth.

  2. Close your eyes and Imagine yourself at the end of the day feeling accomplished and proud of yourself for having put attention to the most important things. Allow yourself to smile and feel that pride as well.

  3. Ask yourself “What were the most important things I did or ways I acted in order to make this such an incredible day?”

  4. Make a note or write down 2 or 3 things that made the day so special and Voila - you have your roadmap to an incredible and meaningful day.

This exercise has really been helping me stay attuned to whats most important despite navigating a lot of transitions. I’d love to hear what you think too. Feel free to email me at joel@joelwoldt.com to let me know what came up for you.

With Intention,


P.S. If one of those things that comes up for you to have a great day or week is joining my Online Stretch & Relax Class on Monday nights at 4:30 PST (6:30 CST) new customers can get your first 3 classes for only $29! Plus as an added bonus I’ll add my On Demand Library where you can catch a recorded class or meditation anytime!

Quote Credit - Pema Chodron from the book When Things Fall Apart


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