Find Your Balance!

Private Gentle Yoga Coaching for Ages 50+

Feel Balanced in Your Body & Calm in Your Mind in 12 Weeks of One-On-One Sessions in the Foundations of Gentle Yoga Program

How Private Yoga Coaching Works!

  • Private Gentle Yoga for Anxiety Cardiff California

    1. Personalize a Plan That’s Centered on You!

    Once you’ve decided to join the 12 week program, we’ll start by getting to know about your needs, abilities & intentions for your practice so we can personalize a plan that’s both meaningful & achievable for you.

  • Gentle Yoga

    2. Build a Strong Foundation

    From there, we’ll help you to take it step by step to help you build a strong gentle yoga foundation. Finding alignment, learning to use the breathe, and mastering foundational poses that help you to achieve your goals.

  • 3. Grow Your Practice

    Once you have the foundational poses down, you can move through full well rounded gentle yoga practices based on your intentions for your practice.

  • 4. Guidance & Support

    Lastly, throughout the coaching process I’ll be there to help guide and support you every step of the way. So as you and your practice evolve, we'll work together to adapt and tailor to your changing needs as your intentions come to life!

The Foundations of Gentle Yoga 12 Week Program is for You if…

You’re Tired of This..

  • Feeling Like Your Core is Weak and Unstable

  • Having Muscles that are Always Feeling Too Tight & Overly Sore

  • Feeling Agitated and Like You’re Constantly Anxious and On Edge

  • Hunching Over With Poor Posture that’s Causing You Pain & Discomfort

  • Suffering with Low Energy & Feel Tired with Minimal Effort

  • Not Feeling Seen or Comfortable in A Group Yoga Class Setting

  • Having Trouble Getting Up and Off the Floor

  • Wanting to Try Yoga But Not Feeling Ready or Having the Right Qualified Support

  • Not Understanding How Your Body Works

And You Want This!

  • One-On-One Support to Build a Personalized Practice

  • To Develop Powerful Strategies to Calm Your Nervous System & Reduce Anxiety

  • To Create Alignment in Your Body & Improve Your Posture

  • To Feel Stronger & More Confident In Your Physical Abilities

  • Become More Flexible and Move with More Ease

  • Improve Your Balance and Move with Greater Confidence

  • Education to Better Understand How Your Body Works

  • To Live With More Intention On and Off Your Mat

Here’s Some of The Tools You’ll Learn in Your Program!

Phase 1 - Gather a Deeper Understanding and Intentions For Your Yoga Practice

Phase 2 - Understanding Your Spine Moves So You Can Find the Sweet Spot for Posture while Seated & Standing Up

Phase 3 - Learn How to Use Your Breath to Create Calm & Feel More Centered

Phase 4 - Understand How Your Core Works and Poses that Help You Build Core Stability

Phase 5 - Learn Stretches and Poses that Help You to Build Flexibility Where YOU Need it Most!

Phase 6 - Create Strategies and Build Strength to Get Up and Off the Floor More Easily

Phase 7 - Learn the Foundational Strength Postures Like Warrior 1, Warrior 2 and Chair Pose

Phase 8 - Move Through a Well Rounded Full Gentle Yoga Practice with All of the Elements Combined

* Your program will be tailored to adapt to your needs and we’ll take it at your pace!

What People are Saying about Coaching with Joel

“One of the best experiences of my life has been to start practicing yoga. I am 60 years old and Joel does my practices according to my physical needs, it is something that has changed my life. I am happier, calmer and healthier.”

Georgina L. From Chicago, Illinois

Here’s What You’ll Get When You Join!

  • 12 Weeks of Personalized Gentle Yoga Sessions

  • 2 Private One-On-One Classes Per Week

  • Recurring Weekly Meeting Times for Consistency

  • Direct Access & Email Support from Joel

  • Full Access to the On Demand Library which Includes:

    • Stretch & Relax Class Library

    • Body Scan Meditation Library

*Ask about options for 3x/week

The Benefits of Private Gentle Yoga!

  • Develop Powerful Strategies to Calm Your Nervous System & Reduce Anxiety

  • Create Alignment in Your body and reduce physical pain

  • Feel Stronger & More Confident In Your Physical Abilities

  • Become More Flexible and Move with More Ease

  • Improve Your Balance and Stability

  • Become More Deeply Attuned to Your Physical & Emotional Needs

  • Improve your Sleep

  • Feel More Calm & Bring More Intention On and Off of Your Mat

  • Improve Your Posture and reduce

Why I Love Working with People Ages 50+

When I was 19 years old, my dad had a massive heart attack. Thankfully he survived a triple bypass surgery. My dad was only 53 years old and my grandmother had died at age 53 from heart failure. At the time I was suffering from massive anxiety, panic attacks and I was also scared. I started learning everything I could about health and wellbeing, changed my major in college to health promotion and ultimately went on to get a Masters Degree in Clinical Exercise Physiology/Cardiac Rehab. I wanted to help other sons, daughters, grandkids to have more time with their parents and grandparents the way that I have with my dad. Working in Cardiac rehab was a revelation. Oftentimes, the patients were stressed, tight in their bodies, and had lost strength from the surgery and My job was to help build them back up from the ground up. What I saw blew me away. I realized that with the right care starting gently from the ground up that clients could make progress at any age. Oftentimes, feeling healthier and stronger than they had even before their surgery! I was hooked on helping people age 50+ and now 14 years later as a Private Gentle Yoga Coach, I can say that’s its a privilege to be a part of the incredible transformations I’ve seen in people age 50, 60, 70 and beyond. Gentle yoga is a wonderful way for people over 50 to improve their health and well-being. It can help to reduce pain, improve sleep, boost energy levels, reduce the risk of injuries, and manage stress and anxiety. If you or a loved one is interested in learning more about my gentle yoga program for people over 50, please visit my website and schedule a free consultation.


  • Master of Science Degree in Clinical Exercise Physiology: University of Wisconsin - La Crosse

  • Certified Yoga Instructor - Yoga Alliance RYT 200: Jenni Antonicic & Danielle Dickinson Chicago, IL.

  • Gentle Yoga Specialty Certification: The Soul of Yoga - Rancho Santa Fe

  • Certified Clinical Exercise Physiologist: American College of Sports Medicine

  • Certified Professional Health and Well-Being Coach: Wellcoaches School of Coaching

  • Bachelor of Science in Human Performance & Health Promotion: University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire


READY - Click HERE or on the button below to set up a time where we can meet for your Complimentary 30 Minute Discovery Meeting via Zoom.

SET - During our meeting, we’ll take time to get to know more about you and the intentions you have for your practice. We’ll also answer any questions you have about the Coaching Process and formulate a plan to make sure we are the right fit to support you. There is no pressure and no obligations!

GROW - Lastly, yoga works best with consistency over time. We work with clients 2-3x per week and save your times just for you so you can create the consistent practice you need to achieve your intentions.