Tara Brach - True Refuge Book with Mindfulness

Without question, Tara Brach has had the biggest influence on my emotional growth over the past 5 years. Her compassionate mindfulness practices mixed with philosophy have transformed how I look at my own mental health. What resonates so much about Tara’s teachings are how she is able to relate the teachings to the real world, how she is able to help bring self empathy and compassion to even the most difficult personal challenges. I recognized through her that healing the self is the most important step in being able to heal relationships with others. When we are able to bring warmth and empathy to our own misgivings it allows us to bring that same warmth and empathy to the ones around us. This is a three book set of my favorite works by Tara. I started with Radical Acceptance and am forever grateful for the book. True Refuge added to what I learned in Radical Acceptance and the teachings are truly timeless. Every Year I could go back, read and do the mindfulness exercises again and have a new experience with the same teachers.


Calve Stretching Wedges - Amazing!


Tara Brach- Radical Compassion Book with Mindfulness, Self Love & Emotional Healing