Weekly Intention Journaling

I hope that your Week is off to a great start! I know that for so many of us, it can be challenging to get ourselves started on a Monday. One practice that I love and have done for the past few years is to set aside a little time on Sunday night to journal about a couple of the highlights from the previous week and to consider what are my most important intentions for the upcoming week. I find that we are incredibly intuitive about what we really need when we ask ourselves great questions. Here are a couple questions I like to ask:

  1. What were the highlights from last week?

  2. What did I learn from last week?

  3. What is most important for me this week at work & personally and what about overall?

  4. If I looked back at the end of the week, whats the one thing or way of being etc. That I could do to make me feel most proud?

Let me know any thoughts and questions that you might have at: joel@heartcenterwellness.com and I’ll hope to see you in Stretch & Class on Mondays and Wednesdays at 4:30 PM PST (6:30 CST).


Fear & Anxiety V.S. Danger